Executive Summary
The digital advertising landscape is undergoing profound transformations, marked by the decline of third-party identifiers and the tightening of privacy regulations worldwide. The focus of regulators has also turned to the market dominance of big tech giants, resulting in substantial fines. In this changing environment, ad servers play a crucial role in online advertising and publisher revenue generation. This report explores the key factors influencing ad server selection in Europe and how industry trends impact publishers' choice of partners. Combining original research with insights from media and advertising professionals in Europe, we examine the following: factors shaping ad server selection, the influence of industry trends on publishers, variations in publisher ad server needs based on scale, and levels of trust towards Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Amazon.
As revealed in this report, a significant power shift is occurring, with publishers and emerging independent technology providers gaining momentum while big tech giants lose ground. Privacy has become a paramount concern for publishers, and larger publishers are particularly focused on business practices and legal compliance, leading them to explore different providers in the coming years. Publisher requirements vary greatly based on scale and market, signaling the end of one-size-fits-all strategies and opening doors for agile and adaptable solutions.
The power lies with the Open Web, and it’s time to reclaim it. UMG. team mission is to make that happen while fostering an independent and interoperable ad tech ecosystem. We develop enterprise cloud adtech solutions which are independent and always work in favour of our client. This research confirms what we’ve been hearing from publishers across Europe and beyond: they are considering factors like privacy, antitrust issues, and alignment of interests when selecting technology partners.
"A positive sign of our progress is seen in the recent announcement of Vocento, a leading media group in Spain. This trend is gaining momentum, and we eagerly anticipate what the future holds."
Key Findings The survey findings indicate a shift in power away from the walled gardens of big tech providers towards independent market participants. This shift is most evident among larger publisher businesses, but early indications suggest that smaller publishers will follow suit within the next 3−5 years. Privacy-related market trends also strongly influence publishers' choice of ad servers, and this trend is expected to continue with the introduction of further privacy-focused legislation in Europe and the United States.
Key findings include: