What is Demand side platform? Plusses and minuses of the biggest ones.

February 16, 2023
Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) are software platforms that allow advertisers to buy and manage digital ad inventory through programmatic advertising. With the growth of digital advertising, DSPs have become an essential tool for advertisers to reach their target audience effectively and efficiently.

Here, we will compare several of the most popular DSPs available on the market and outline their strengths and weaknesses.

Google Ads, formerly known as DoubleClick Bid Manager, is one of the largest DSPs in the market. It provides advertisers with access to a massive pool of inventory from Google's ad exchange, as well as from hundreds of other exchanges and networks. Google Ads provides a user-friendly interface and a variety of targeting options, including demographic, geographic, and behavioral targeting. The platform also offers real-time bidding and reporting capabilities, making it a popular choice for many advertisers.

Google Ads DSP (Demand Side Platform) is a programmatic advertising platform that allows advertisers to buy and manage digital advertising inventory through real-time bidding. Here are the strengths and weaknesses of Google Ads DSP:


  1. Large Inventory: Google Ads DSP has access to a vast inventory of ad spaces, including those on Google's own platforms and those of partner websites and apps.
  2. Targeting Capabilities: The platform offers advanced targeting options, such as demographic, geographic, and behavioral targeting, which enable advertisers to reach their desired audience with greater accuracy.
  3. Machine Learning Algorithms: Google Ads DSP uses machine learning algorithms to optimize campaigns and improve performance, ensuring that ads are delivered to the right audience at the right time.
  4. Integration with Google Ads: Google Ads DSP can be integrated with other Google Ads products, such as Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, which provides advertisers with a comprehensive view of their advertising performance.


  1. Complexity: Google Ads DSP can be complex to navigate, especially for advertisers who are new to programmatic advertising.
  2. Steep Learning Curve: Advertisers may need to invest time and resources to learn how to effectively use the platform and achieve their marketing goals.
  3. Limited Transparency: Some advertisers may find that there is limited transparency into how their ads are being displayed, which can make it difficult to monitor and adjust campaigns as needed.
  4. High Costs: The cost of advertising on Google Ads DSP can be higher compared to other programmatic advertising platforms, especially for smaller advertisers with limited budgets.

The Trade Desk: The Trade Desk is a well-established DSP that offers a comprehensive suite of tools for programmatic advertising. One of its strengths is the ability to use machine learning to optimize ad campaigns in real-time, which results in improved performance. Additionally, The Trade Desk offers a vast range of targeting options, including contextual targeting and the ability to reach specific audiences based on their interests and behaviors.

Weaknesses: The Trade Desk can be complex to use, particularly for inexperienced users, and its high cost may be prohibitive for some advertisers. Additionally, the platform is not well suited for small to medium-sized businesses as it primarily caters to large enterprises.

Google Marketing Platform (GMP): GMP is a powerful DSP that offers a range of tools for programmatic advertising, including a vast inventory of ad space across the web, in-depth analytics, and flexible targeting options. One of its strengths is its integration with Google Ads, which allows advertisers to manage their search and display campaigns from one platform.

Weaknesses: GMP can be expensive, and its complexity may be daunting for inexperienced users. Additionally, the platform is less flexible than other DSPs and may not be the best choice for advertisers who need to run campaigns on a range of platforms and devices.

AppNexus: AppNexus is a well-regarded DSP that offers a range of tools for programmatic advertising, including real-time bidding and detailed analytics. One of its strengths is its ability to reach a wide range of audiences, including those on mobile devices and connected TVs. Additionally, AppNexus is highly flexible and can be customized to meet the specific needs of different advertisers.

Weaknesses: AppNexus can be complex to use, particularly for inexperienced users, and its high cost may be prohibitive for some advertisers. Additionally, the platform is not as widely used as other DSPs, which may limit its ability to reach certain audiences.

MediaMath: MediaMath is a well-established DSP that offers a range of tools for programmatic advertising, including real-time bidding and detailed analytics. One of its strengths is its ability to target specific audiences based on their interests and behaviors, which allows advertisers to reach their target audience more effectively.

Weaknesses: MediaMath can be expensive and may not be the best choice for advertisers who need to run campaigns on a range of platforms and devices. Additionally, the platform is less flexible than other DSPs and may not be the best choice for advertisers who need to customize their campaigns.

TubeMogul is a DSP that specializes in video advertising. The platform provides access to a large pool of video inventory, including display and mobile video. TubeMogul offers advanced targeting options, such as audience and contextual targeting, and it provides real-time bidding capabilities. The platform is known for its ability to handle large-scale video campaigns and its advanced reporting and analytics capabilities.

In conclusion, each DSP has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice for an advertiser will depend on their specific needs and goals. For example, The Trade Desk is a good choice for large enterprises that need to run highly targeted campaigns, while AppNexus is a better choice for advertisers who need flexibility and the ability to reach a wide range of audiences.

In order to choose the best DSP for your needs, it is important to consider your specific goals, budget, and level of experience with programmatic advertising. By carefully weighing the strengths and weaknesses of each platform, you can make an informed decision that will help you reach your target audience effectively and efficiently.