White-label model in Adtech. Why you have to consider it?

February 16, 2023
White-label SaaS (Software as a Service) is a model where a third-party vendor provides a software solution that can be rebranded and sold by another company as their own. This model has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more businesses are looking for ways to offer technology solutions to their customers without having to invest in their own development and maintenance.

Here are some of the key benefits of using a white-label SaaS model:

  1. Cost-effectiveness
One of the main advantages of white-label SaaS is that it allows companies to offer technology solutions to their customers without having to make a significant investment in development and maintenance. This can be especially important for smaller businesses that may not have the resources to develop their own software solutions.

  1. Speed to market
Another advantage of white-label SaaS is that it allows companies to get to market quickly with a new technology solution. Since the software has already been developed by a third-party vendor, companies can focus on marketing and selling the solution, rather than spending time and money on development.

  1. Customization options
White-label SaaS solutions are typically customizable, which means that companies can make changes to the software to meet their specific needs. This can include customizing the user interface, adding new features, and integrating the software with other systems.

  1. Reduced risk
With a white-label SaaS model, companies are not responsible for the development and maintenance of the software. This means that they are not exposed to the risks associated with software development, such as bugs, compatibility issues, and security vulnerabilities.

  1. Improved branding
White-label SaaS solutions can be rebranded to reflect the company that is selling them. This can help companies establish a stronger brand and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

  1. Scalability
White-label SaaS solutions are typically designed to be scalable, which means that they can be used by companies of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. This allows companies to grow their technology offerings as their business grows.

In conclusion, white-label SaaS is a flexible and cost-effective way for companies to offer technology solutions to their customers. It allows companies to get to market quickly with a new technology solution, customize the software to meet their specific needs, reduce risk, improve branding, and scale their technology offerings as their business grows.

We in UMG.team offer vast range of Adtech products as SaaS. This model we consider as a most transparent, cost efficient for most of our customers. Yes, it is not for all market players. This model becomes indispensable in certain cases.

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